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Medical Mission Teams Addressing Unmet Global Health Needs
Medical mission teams represent an essential component of global health delivery. The National Library of Medicine defines medical...

Socioeconomic Conditions Lead to Health Challenges in Guatemala
It has been roughly 8 months now since the world was introduced to the novel coronavirus. The first outbreak occurred in Wuhan, China and...

Safety-net Clinics, An Important Part of the U.S. Health System
Access to quality health care in the U.S. has long been a topic of debate that often ends in more questions than solutions. Do we trade...

Adapting During the Coronavirus Outbreak
In just a matter of weeks, coronavirus has changed all of our lives in ways that we never would have thought possible. Life as we know...

Biomedical Equipment Donations With Training Lead to Sustainability
Medical equipment is essential for safe and effective prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation. However, there continues to...

MedShare Disaster Relief – Hurricane Dorian
When natural disasters strike vulnerable areas around the world, MedShare is poised to respond quickly and effectively. We are in a...

Refugees, A Global Health Crisis
According to the UN Refugee Agency we are now witnessing the highest levels of displacement of people on record. An unprecedented 70.8...

Ebola Lives On
Who can forget the tragic sight of the victims of the Ebola outbreak in West Africa during its peak in 2014? Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) is...

Celebrating Global Health Fathers
On Sunday, June 16, 2019 Father’s Day will be celebrated in the United States. Some form of this day is now celebrated in over 111...
MedShare Responds to Cyclone Idai with Critical Emergency Supplies
Tons of supplies are headed to Mozambique, Malawi, and Zimbabwe to support devastated communities. New York, NY (March 29, 2019)...
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