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Global Health Security: The Fight Against Malaria Must Continue
By Maria Thacker Goethe, MPH, CEO, Center for Global Health Innovation On April 25, the world recognizes World Malaria Day because it...

CDC's Center for Global Health releases new report on response to outbreaks
A new online publication, Center for Global Health Responds to Outbreaks Report, explores CGH’s response to COVID-19 and other outbreaks....

Connection, Community is Key to COVID-19
COVID-19 has wreaked havoc on our way of life. It has altered our routines, divided belief systems, and separated us from the communities...

The Pandemic’s Toll on Women COVID-19 Is Gender-Blind, But Not Gender-Neutral
It began as a mysterious disease, a novel coronavirus soon designated SARS-CoV-2. As countries shut down their economies to slow its...

EGHI Winning COVID-19 Children’s Books Address the Facts and Emotions Surrounding Pandemic
As part of its efforts to address the COVID-19 pandemic and in keeping with its 13- year history of bringing diverse disciplines together...

Safety-net Clinics, An Important Part of the U.S. Health System
Access to quality health care in the U.S. has long been a topic of debate that often ends in more questions than solutions. Do we trade...

Adapting During the Coronavirus Outbreak
In just a matter of weeks, coronavirus has changed all of our lives in ways that we never would have thought possible. Life as we know...
CDC to Award Over $560 Million to State & Local Jurisdictions
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Stopping Outbreaks Through One Health: Making Tomorrow’s Breakthroughs Possible
The rapid spread of the coronavirus out of Wuhan, China has sparked concern across countries as the international community grapples with...

Carter Center Board of Trustees Appoints Paige Alexander as Carter Center CEO, Effective June 2020
ATLANTA - The Carter Center Board of Trustees is pleased to announce that Paige Alexander has been appointed CEO of The Carter Center,...
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